It is a monumental achievement and a true coding show-piece. This is evident from the moment the plot begins, right up to its conclusion. Not an inch of this game's visual make-up has been neglected or represented without care. Like a viral or meme, word will spread of Killzone's incredible dynamic lighting, its eye-watering vistas and the painstaking detail afforded to simple set dressing such as chairs and tables.
Killzone shadow fall walk Ps4#
It's the game that will get people talking to their friends about why PS4 is the correct choice going into the new hardware round. I streamed Shadow Fall over Twitch while I was preparing this blog, and the comment box was constantly filled with praise for its visuals. These 'holding areas' are blatant, but rarely feel tedious due to the eye candy on offer. There are no loading screens during missions, but while the game is preparing the next marvelous expanse you are treated to long, lingering shots of Vekta's capital city as your air cruiser hovers towards its next mission, or dizzying views of the planet's Helghan quadrant. Guerrilla shoves its technical mastery in your face at every given opportunity. You can't simply spectate this game, you actually have to try it. You have to actually sit down with the DualShock 4 in your hand, and move your avatar around Guerrilla's technical play-space to fully appreciate the leap in power between PS4 and its predecessors.

The screenshots didn't do it justice, nor did the carefully edited trailers. It wasn't until I played Killzone: Shadow Fall's campaign that I felt the next-generation of console gaming had arrived. All images were taken using the PS4's share function on Dave's console.) PS4 EU Launch At the time of writing, multiplayer games were not connecting due to the game not being out yet, and as such this article contains potential plot SPOILERS. (Note: This article refers to the Killzone: Shadow Fall campaign only. Killzone: Shadow Fall is arguably the best-looking next-gen title so far, but VG247's Dave Cook reckons that the campaign's old-hat design knifes Guerrilla's visual masterpiece in the back.