Despite taking place in an entirely new world with a new storyline, Avadon plays nearly identically to Avernum, with a noticeable facelift and some other changes. If you've played any of Spiderweb Software's earlier titles, a lot about Avadon's gameplay is going to feel very familiar. No, your method of work is a bit more on the stabby/looty/even-more-stabby side of things, and we wouldn't have it any other way. While most of your time will be spent doing the will of Avadon and serving the Pact, you shouldn't expect this to mean you'll be stuck behind a desk filling out requisition forms and taking complaints. You'll have your choice of four character classes to play as with varying skills and abilities, but don't worry about your decision that much before long you'll be joined by four other Hands of Avadon that will provide whatever spell or sword power you lack. or will you find yourself clashing with your superiors as you begin to question the things you've been told? They say the only way in Avadon is Redbeard's way, but if you're cunning and careful, and know who to trust, you might just uncover more than a few pitfalls in that road.Īvadon is played entirely with the mouse, give or take a few hotkeys for ease of use, and combat is turn-based. Will you become a new hero to uphold the ideals of the Pact. There are rumours of traitors at work, and dissent seems to be spreading through the land as Avadon begins to show cracks in its facade of power. Redbeard is your new leader, a man older than he looks who inspires as much terror as he does loyalty in his innumerable soldiers and servants. As the story begins, you've just begun your work as a Hand of the fabled fortress of Avadon. In Avadon: The Black Fortress, the new turn-based RPG from Spiderweb Software, you take the role of a warrior from the Pact, a group of five nations that stands together for strength against the Farlands, the untamed parts of the world that don't want anything to do with the Pact and would prefer to see it broken.